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City of Austin

Land Development Code Community Outreach Materials

Chad Upham worked with Opticos Design to develop a range of communications materials as the City of Austin sought public feedback on the Land Development Code. Communications cover a range of topics from historic process to technical specifications, and qualitative benefits of the new code.

Work completed by Chad Upham while employed temporarily for this assignment with Opticos Design in Berkeley, California.
Messaging Strategy, Information Design
Cropped view of a series of posters presenting the community benefits of the new land development code

Community Outreach Posters

Three sets of posters address the historic context and process for updating the land development, anatomy of the code and new form-based code zones with associated building types, and attributes of the community which the code seeks to enhance. A motif of overlapping circles and vignetted grayscale photography creates a distinct graphic look to unify the series and make the complete information and ideas more approachable.

Posters on display at a community meeting.
Posters on display at a community meeting.
Silhouette profile of a man in cowboy hat in front of poster that reads
Presentation slides being projected in front of a full room of community members.


To equip planners and city officials for community forums and workshops, a screen presentation was designed adapting poster content into thoughtfully storyboarded slides, with distinct sections, bold typography, and creative overlays and content callouts. Robust templates allow independent consultants to contribute new content and arrange presentations to meet the specific needs of a particular audience.

Open booklet showing spread with transect zones at a glance.


As a “leave-behind” handout for public meetings and workshops, a booklet was designed to summarize code process, specifications and benefits in dynamic spreads for skimming, reading, or referencing.

Booklet CoverBooklet PDF (5.3MB)
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